Breaking: Angelina Jolie Channels ‘Girl, Interrupted’ With Her Streaky Blonde Highlights…. Check In

As I’m sure select niche fans would agree, my favourite look of Angelina Jolie’s has to be her scraggly blonde hairstyle circa 1999. Think: The iconic – and somewhat unhinged – Girl, Interrupted era. Now, what brings me to reminisce about such a time (when I was just an unborn twinkle in my parent’s eyes, may I add) is the star’s latest ‘do, which is almost identical in colour.
Overnight in New York, Angelina attended the screening of the 2024 biographical psychological drama, Maria. For the event, the star surprisingly kept her fashions pretty caszh but did amp up the look with a subtle hair colour job. We love to see it.
As shown in the pictures below, the mum-of-six has had her blonde highlights maintained with a tonal refresh and straight-styled blowout, while the roots of her locks have been kept their natural dusty brunette shade. This particular style is one that we like to call a ‘shadow root’.
With a shadow root as such, dyed and bleached hair is a lot easier to maintain. Natural root growth? That’s intentional.
Do you see the similarities? Minus the itsy bitsy micro-fringe and shorter hair length, the blonde is almost an exact colour match!