ESPN is determined to add Kelce to Monday Night Football as part of a pregame shake-up

Fitzgerald’s contract expired in February and has not yet been renewed after executives told him they wanted to see how the rest of their lineup shapes up before making a final decision.
ESPN officials have set their sights on adding Kelce to their popular Monday night show as an analyst, yet they also face competition from several other networks.
NBC, CBS and Amazon Prime are also keen to snap up the recently-retired star, who featured on the latter’s Thursday Night Football when the Chicago Bears hosted the Carolina Panthers back in November.
Marcus Spears and Ryan Clark are set to return on ‘Countdown’ with Van Pelt, while Michelle Beisner-Buck will remain feature reporter.
Another man on ESPN’s wish-list is the great Bill Belichick, who is without a coaching job in the NFL after leaving the New England Patriots.
However, Belichick is understood to have told the network that he has no interest in joining a regular studio show.
Kelce is hot property in the TV world after announcing his retirement, which brought his lengthy stint in Philadelphia to an end.