Lady Gaga says she’s not pregnant, then Taylor Swift tells folks to shut up about women’s bodies

that Lady Gaga was pregnant after she was photographed at her sister’s wedding on June 3, but Mother Monster cleverly dismissed them in a new TikTok.
“Not pregnant — just down bad cryin at the gym,” she captioned Taylor Swift — summoned either by Gaga’s reference to her “Down Bad” song lyric or the fact that another woman in music was having to deal with comments about her figure — posted her thoughts on the matter.
“Can we all agree that it’s invasive & irresponsible to comment on a woman’s body. Gaga doesn’t owe anyone an explanation & neither does any woman,” the star wrote in Gaga’s TikTok comments.
Gaga received more support from friends on Wednesday when her makeup artist, Sarah Tanno, added her thoughts on the matter”Honestly, it’s really sad that she had to address this because people were commenting about her body,” Tanno wrote. “Why spread a rumor about somebody that you care about or love? It does affect people’s mental health, people should not be body shaming people or assuming they are pregnant when they aren’t! Even if she was pregnant, it’s none of your business to know at all.”
This certainly isn’t the first time the typically poker-faced singer has had to shut down rumors about her body. Gaga took to Instagram in 2017 to remind fans that she didn’t care what was said about her, and neither should they.
“I heard my body is a topic of conversation,