News Update: Kim Kardashian’s daughter North West criticizes and humiliates Taylor Swift on her Instagram page and other social media handles, sparking controversy among followers as the drama resurfaces. would you blame Kim over her Daughter juvenile attitude??

“I don’t think there are that many people who can actually understand what it’s like to have millions of people hate you very loudly. When you say someone is canceled, it’s not a TV show. It’s a human being. You’re sending mass amounts of messaging to this person to either shut up, disappear, or it could also be perceived as, kill yourself.”
Kardashian, for her part, had seemingly of his “Club Random” podcast, argued that antisemitism has been spreading thanks to conservatives.
“The left-wing is even worse,” Maher said, rejecting the claim and noting that its obsession with race and identity politics has fueled the anti-Jewish hate spreading on American college campuses.
The debate began with Bernhard talking about her Jewish heritage and how her grandparents fled to America from a pogrom in Russia. She noted that despite everyone being “up in arms” about being Jewish in the wake of the Oct. 7 terror attacks, she hasn’t felt persecuted. Maher responded, “That is coming down from elite colleges who see everything only through a racial lens. They are stupid. They don’t know history. They think everything is about colonizers and racists, and how awful America is.”
He continued, “And America has done some bad things but to drag Israel into this as the stand-in for every bad thing White people ever did – this is not any more complicated to most of these college kids than the Palestinians are brown and poor and the Israelis are rich and White.”
After mentioning how Israelis are being branded as colonizers, he said, “None of this jives with the facts.”