So Emotional : Kim Kardashian Shares Her Nightmare On How The Holiday Was Deficult For Childrens Because Of Divorced, Blames Kanye

The holidays are never easy for children of divorce, however, according to Kim Kardashian, Kanye West is making hers even harder. Keep reading to learn more about what Kim and her four children are dealing with this holiday season.
Kim Kardashian Not Happy With Kanye
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have had a pretty messy breakup. They got divorced years ago at this point, however, they still share four children together and apparently, Kanye doesn’t make that easy. Especially right now, during the holiday season. Not only is he a struggle to co-parent with in general, but he also doesn’t make himself available for the kids to see him. According to a source at InTouch, “Kim has been trying her best to make it all work but she’s hitting her breaking point.
The continue to talk about how hard it is because her kids just want to see their dad. however, Kanye doesn’t make the planning easy for the family.
“She knows her kids want to see their dad over the holidays, but she can’t even pin him down for what days he will be around,” the source continues.
Kanye West Is ‘Unpredictable’
Apparently Kanye West is rather unpredictable when it comes to parenting. The source says that one minute he wants last minute time with the kids, or he will go off the grid and Kim can’t get ahold of him. Either way, it’s making planning the holidays very hard for the mom of four. However, that’s not all of it. She knows the whole thing would be easier if Kanye could just come to the family celebrations to see the children. However, that would never fly with her mom and her sisters. Needless to say, her family doesn’t like him at all.
It wouldn’t be nearly as stressful if she could just invite him to join her family celebration, that would take a lot of the weight off because she wouldn’t have to worry or prepare, it would be a simple solution but she knows things between him and her mom are so tense that it would ruin the holiday, not to mention the rest of her family can’t stand him,” the source says.
Apparently, the whole thing is really just a ‘mess’ for Kim to deal with. Needless to say, she’s going to keep trying though because she wants her kids to be able to see their dad.
It’s a total mess and she’s on tenterhooks waiting for what Ye’s going to do, which is just so unfair, but it’s not as though she can just shut him out and forget about him, she’d never do that to her kids.”
Do you think Kanye West is being unreasonable? Or, should Kim be more flexible? Let us know your thoughts on the family dynamic in the comments below. Come back to TV Shows Ace for more updates on all of your favorite reality TV stars.