‘So painful to be hated like this’ Why do so many people dislike or distrust Meghan Markle : Prince Harry got emotional after he ..

Hate is such a strong word involving emotions. I don’t know her so I don’t hate her. I feel she has betrayed not only the Royal Family and Monarchy, but also her family and certain friends for whatever suits her at the time. I find her laughable, repulsive and fake. Wouldn’t come close to being a friend of mine. But hate, no. I’m not that invested in her yet I will seize the opportunity at times to post about her and Harry when their antics are over the topWhen you join the Royal Family, you must agree to serving your people, your country and your Queen, in the way that the Queen sees fit.
You must follow a list of rules, serve the English people, and follow the Queens orders. But Meghan had done none of these things. She has thrown the Royal Families open arms and kindness back in their face, and repeatedly given them, and the English people, a middle finger.
She has barely spent any time with the English people, barely works for them at all and has spent very little time serving them, or making an effort to fit in or get to know the Royal Family, or her new people. All of her time has been spent meeting A list celebrities, posting on her instagram, editing Vogue, designing clothes, spending money on an expensive mansion and clothes, and doing documentaries about herself with Oprah.
This woman has clearly shown that she wants the celebrity lifestyle, and wants nothing to do with serving her Queen, her people, or her country. She is more interested in posing with Africans with AIDS to look good than actually helping them. Meghan used those people for a photo op, did nothing to help them, donated no money to help them, then ditched them to give a speech about “how hard her life i