Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were evicted from Frogmore Cottage last year, a residence that had been gifted to them by the late Queen Elizabeth...
In a surprising turn of events, King Charles inadvertently hinted at the health challenges faced by his beloved daughter-in-law, Kate Middleton, during a recent public...
Britain’s royal family has been struck by another “very sad blow” as they mourn the unexpected demise of Thomas Kingston, son-in-law of Prince and...
King Charles and Prince William appeared to have “come ready for a fight” during a clandestine meeting with Prince Harry amid the Royal Family...
Captain Ian Farquhar, who was a close friend of the king, has died. He was 78 years old. Ian had known the King and...
An Australian’s quest for royal recognition takes a dramatic turn, with a plan to compare DNA with a royal family member at the center. Amidst...
King Charles isn’t a regular king, he’s a cool king. And to prove it, he just broke a major royal rule during a recent...
Prince Harry’s comments about Queen Camilla in his memoir Spare deeply affected King Charles, according to a Royal insider. King Charles felt that Harry had...
Prince William and King Charles have reportedly cancelled a very special meeting at Buckingham Palace. The King and Prince of Wales reportedly had a...
Captain Ian Farquhar, who was a close friend of the king, has died. He was 78 years old. Ian had known the King and...