Serena Williams, renowned for her 23 Grand Slam titles, has gracefully transitioned from tennis champion to successful entrepreneur, wife, and mother. Married to Reddit co-founder...
“Every woman’s success should be an inspiration to another. We should raise each other up,” said Serena Williams last October. True to world, the tennis...
Serena Williams will never go out of style! Even after two years off the tennis court, the WTA legend remains a symbol of success. On...
Rafael Nadal may have stepped off the tennis courts, but his legacy is still making waves around the globe. The Spaniard’s retirement hasn’t slowed the outpouring...
Alexis Ohanian recently shared his excitement about the upcoming release of Jordan Chiles’ debut memoir, “I’m That Girl: Living The Power Of My Dreams.” Ohanian voiced...
Even celebrities get starstruck. Superstar Taylor Swift performed three shows over the weekend at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami for her “Eras Tour” shows but she...
Post-retirement sounds fun, but, nothing can quite catch up to Serena Williams’s vibe. Not only that, but her husband Alexis Ohanian adds to the excitement by...
Serena Williams’ husband Entrepreneur Alexis Ohanian recently reacted to Olympic champion Faith Kipyegon from Kenya receiving an honorary degree. The 1500m Olympic champion received her honorary...
American boxing legend Mike Tyson once vehemently pushed back against the claim that Serena Williams was the best women’s tennis player, surpassing Martina Navratilova at her...
The retired tennis star and the Reddit co-founder married in 2017 and have since welcomed two daughters together Serena Williams and Alexis Ohanian are celebrating seven...