In a sobering announcement that has gripped the nation, iconic actress and talk show co-host, Whoopi Goldberg, alongside soccer superstar Megan Rapinoe, declared their intentions to...
There was some turmoil at the Oscars, according to ALLOD inside sources familiar with the incident. Kevin Costner was slated to present the Lifetime Achievement...
In an episode of “The View” that viewers won’t soon forget, long-time host Whoopi Goldberg found herself in a heated confrontation with Senator Tim...
“Because it’s Taylor Swift! The two games she’s showed up on, the Kansas City people have won. I wish she’d start dating a Dolphins player,” Navarro...
On March 15, 2024, the website published an article positing that ABC chose to not renew contracts for “The View” hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Joy...