Breaking: Queen Camilla left with ongoing health battle after being an ‘incredibly heavy smoker’ as teenager…. Read More

Queen Camilla is said to have smoked “one after the other” in her youth, although she recently told Paddington actress Emily Mortimer that she had “quit 20 years ago”.
Queen Camilla has reportedly been left with a health condition after spending years as a “heavy smoker” when she was younger.
According to biographer Angela Levin, the 77-year-old was known to enjoy partying and smoking during her youth. She was said to be a regular attendee at the exclusive Annabel’s dining club in London.
Levin however says Camilla’s alleged smoking has taken its toll. Speaking on Channel 4’s Queen Camilla: The Wicked Stepmother, she said: “At the time [she was] an incredibly heavy smoker, one after the other, and that has sort of left her with a hoarse voice and she would drink quite a lot.”
Camilla recently opened up about her past smoking habits. In a conversation with Paddington star Emily Mortimer, she revealed she quit “20 years ago”.
Emily said her mum Penelope “sends her love”. After Camilla asked how she was, the actress replied: “Oh, she’s still smoking as much as ever.”
Camilla responded: “Oh she’s still on the fags?”
It prompted Emily to question if Camilla was still smoking. She asked: “”Oh have you quit the fags?”
To which Camilla replied: “Oh yes, I quit 20 years ago.”
Camilla’s son Tom Parker Bowles recently opened up about his mother’s reputation for smoking and drinking. It stems from when she was pictured with a cigarette outside her home in 1997.
But Tom, 49, says the reputation for heavy drinking and smoking is “inaccurate”. He believes it is based on the portrayal of his mother in Channel 4 comedy The Windsors.
Never drunk a glass of gin in her life,” he told The Times in September. “Doesn’t smoke… Never seen her so much as tipsy.
Camilla returned to work this week having suffered from a chest infection. Buckingham Palace however revealed doctors had advised her against attending the Royal Variety Performance tonight (November 23).
A Buckingham Palace spokesperson said: “Following a recent chest infection, The Queen continues to experience some lingering post-viral symptoms, as a result of which doctors have advised that, after a busy week of engagements, Her Majesty should prioritise sufficient rest.
“With great regret, she has therefore withdrawn from attendance at tonight’s Royal Variety Performance. His Majesty will attend as planned.”